Tuesday, April 14, 2009

(english essay) prepare for peace, prepare for war!

The three little pigs each built a house of their own the first built his out of straw, the second out of sticks, and the third wise pig used bricks. When the big bad wolf came to the first two little pigs’ house built with straw and sticks, he huffed and puffed and blew their houses down with his merciless blows one after the other. The two pigs barely escaped clinging to their lives. When the wolf went to the third pig’s house he blew and blew and could not blow the strong brick house down. The first two pigs were very foolish and lazy and chose the easy way out by not putting up a good protection and they ended up running to the wise pig’s house that had a defense against the wolf. What we can learn from the third pig and his brick house, is that to be able to live with the comfort of safety you must first be prepared for the wild hurtful blows of the all the wolves that stand on our doorstep knocking, waiting to blow our homes down around us.
Our children hear this story of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf, and they understand, and if we keep this concept and moral taught all through our lives more people would want to help to keep their loved ones safe and be willing to be prepared for all the big bad wolves that appear through time. We also need to learn to be ready for anything. It wont always just be an attack straight out, our wolves may be disguised as something innocent and loving. Little Red Riding Hood almost was caught, thinking her innocent grandma had grown a huge nose, teeth, ears, and claws. Of course we laugh at the silliness of this little trap. How could she fall for that? Now think of how often we have be told and tricked to think something sweet, is as lethal as a wolf in a dress, but the signs are as obvious as a wolf in a dress. We can’t let ourselves be fooled by the unbelievable promises we are given of safety and love.
Imagine if the third pig while building his strong house used instead of mortar, play dough. Now imagine that our men who serve to protect our strong safe home carried water guns and not the useful protection needed for the big bad wolves that wait on the brink to blow our country down around us as they enter and reek havoc on our families, and trick and deceive us, giving us false hope right before they get us in the back. We have heard from infancy that the things that are worthwhile in life don’t come free or easy, our freedom and families stand on the highest priority, and this privilege has been paid for by the highest of prices. If we as a country want peace for our families, we need to be willing to sacrifice, and support the men and women who work so hard for us and our strong country.

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